santumerino’s avatarsantumerino’s Twitter Archive—№ 599

  1. just signed up for steamworks jesus christ ive never been more nervous in my life what the hell's a "bank swift code"
    1. …in reply to @santumerino
      this info is publicly accessible so im not breaking nda by mentioning it, which is good because its kinda interesting "Q. Can I use special characters unique to my local language in completing the paperwork? A. No[...]" (1/2)
      1. …in reply to @santumerino
        to me this just meant that i had to write "Autonoma" instead of "Autónoma" ...but i wonder what'd happen to someone living in Донецьк or 성남시 or Երևան or what have you they'd probably just have to use a romanisation of the name but still, kinda silly i think :) (2/2)
        1. …in reply to @santumerino
          oh wow that short link expired pretty quickly, kinda Sus. a bit Suspicious. here's the proper link